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SOFARSOLAR G3 Better Customized For Residential Project

发表于:2019-07-16 15:13:27     来源:索比光伏网

More than 20,0000 of households power plantare well operating in 60+ countries, inverterswhich produced by Sofarsolar won a good market reputation since 2014.Now in order to meet the demand of the market and give the customer a better experience, Sofarsolar launched the third generation of single phase inverter to the global market.

Sofar G3 is an ultra-small residential solar inverter which is specifically designed to bring comfort and quiet operation as well as high efficiency to households. Its capacity ranges from 1.1kW to 3.3kW and its most outstanding characteristic is its light weight, which is only 5.5kg that can help installer to reduce the install time and improve work efficiency.As well as its simple, elegant appearance makes better integrate into the home environment and improve the level of life. Remarkably, it offers 40% overloading of DC input and it’s maximumefficiency can up to 97.7%,which brings high harvest to user and help users shorten the return on investment cycle of power stations.

When users choosethe Sofar G3 inverter for their power stations which communication options available on this inverter are both LAN & Wi-Fi,they will monitor their power stations in real time through android or apple phones and computer.

Zhong qizheng, vice president of Sofarsolar has released comments stating that Sofarsolar is currently one of the top 5 string inverter companies through China, it earned an important position in the field of energy storage inverter. As the G3 inverter of Sofarsolar launched in the global market, it marks that the new generation of Sofarsolar inverter officially enters the market stage. Sofarsolar believes that global users for home inverter has a more ideal, new choice by many core advantages.

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