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印度驻上海总领事 在第十届中国(无锡)国际新能源大会暨展览会开幕式上致辞

发表于:2018-11-03 11:12:06     来源:索比光伏网

 Namaskar, Jaoshang Hao, Good Morning to all of you!!

Mr. Li Xiaomin, Standing Committee Member of Jiangsu CPC and Party Secretary of Wuxi CPC


Mr. Huang Qin, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Wuxi


Distinguished guests, participants, ladies and gentlemen!!


I am extremely happy to be amongst you at the inaugural event of the 10th Chinese Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition in this progressive and forward looking city of Wuxi. I am happy to note that over the years, CREC has become one of the main events for exchange of ideas, exhibition of latest products and technologies; networking and developing of closer business relationship in the field of renewable energy sector.


2. India and China are two great civilizations of the world, and home to more than one-third of the humanity; the fastest growing economies of the world and engines of global economic growth. Therefore, we have greater burden sharing responsibility to be met out of limited available resources, for protection of environment and keeping the rise of earth’s temperature as moderate as possible. Large scale development of renewable energy is certainly going to be one of the major strategies for both the countries. Hence, a partnership based on the spirit of mutual cooperation between India and China is need of the hour.


3. Under visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India made commitments under Paris Agreement on Climate Change whereby India initially set a target of achieving 175 GW of renewable capacity by year 2022 which broadly included 100 GW of Solar; 60 GW of wind; 10 GW of biomass and 5 GW of small hydro. However, as a result of concerted efforts and meticulous planning, India is expected to achieve an install capacity of 220 GW of renewables by 2022; which is way above the commitment levels.


4. The renewable energy space in India has become very attractive from investors perspective; it received inflows of US $ 6.84 billion over the last years. More than US$ 42 billion has been invested in the India’s renewable energy sector since 2014. The recent Earnest & Young report on Renewable Energy Country Attractive Indix-2018 ranked India as the 4th most attractive investment destination.


5. India added 11,788 MW of renewable energy capacity in last 1 year. The competition in this sector has increased lately and it is felt that large integrated players from China may be in better position to leverage from the Indian market. 印度在过去一年增加了11788MW的可再生能源发电量。


6. Since Chinese companies have enormous experience and expertise in renewable energy sector, may it be solar, wind, storage technology, India offers opportunity and possibility for the Chinese companies to participate in the on-going bidding process where 60 GW of solar capacity is expected to installed through reverse bidding. One of the important features of this bidding process is requirement of 30% local manufacturing. Therefore, those companies which are interested to take advantage of the Indian market should plan now and need to have mid to long term perspective.


7. Let me assure you that India follows transparent e-bidding process, where equal treatment is given to foreign players vis-a-via domestic players, strong competition law are in place to encourage, promote and support competition; in addition, any foreign investment, including those from China is assured to get rule based fair and equitable treatment in India.


8. A copy of presentation both in English and Chinese on the renewable energy sector of India is available on our official Wechat, those who are interested may scan the QR Code to get connected with us.


9. I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you about the e-Visa facility are available for Chinese national, wherein you can electronically apply for visa sitting at home and get it within 72 hours of application. In addition, if there is any assistance or support needed from us, we are just a call or email away from you. We will try to provide all kinds of support and assistance needed by you.


10. We enjoy long standing, special relationship with Wuxi, a city with which I have developed special affection. Wuxi has the rare distinction of jointly hosting all the International Day of Yoga since its proclamation by the United Nations in the year 2016.

我们与无锡长期以来享有特殊的关系,我个人对无锡有着特殊的感情。 自从2016年联合国宣布设立国际瑜伽日以来, 我们每年与无锡联合举办规模空前的瑜伽盛会, 并得到了极好的反响。

11. I wish great success to the participants of the 10th China Renewable Energy Conference & Exhibition and thank the organizers for meticulous planning as well as execution.


12. We look forward to remain actively engaged with you.


Thank you!谢谢!

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