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发表于:2010-07-29 13:20:23     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbe

7月29日德国网络机构透露, 2010年上半年太阳能安装量增加了大约3GW,太阳能电池板运营商都为了要赶在入网补贴减少前抓紧进行扩产。

联邦机构主席 Matthias Kurth 说,订单在7月份的最后几周像洪水一样席卷而来,因为很多组件商都想要利用政府的补贴,但在7月份开始订单相对减少了,政府在2011年,将会在入网补贴上有近一步的下调。专家估计在未来20年光伏生产商补贴可能仍然会增加到1250亿美元。


The German Federal network Agency has revealed that solar capacity increased by approximately 3GW in the first half of 2010 as solar panel operators rushed to register their installations before the feed-in tariff cuts.

Newly installed solar capacity reportedly rose by 1.7GW between January and May 2010, based on the analysis of the 85,000 applications received for solar installations during that period. The agency then received a further 50,000 applications in June alone, which should bring the total newly installed solar capacity over 3GW for the first six months.

"Applications were flooding in during the last weeks of June as many operators wanted to secure higher feed-in tariffs, which were reduced considerably from July 1 2010," said Matthias Kurth, president of the Agency.

Further subsidy cuts, to take effect in 2011, will be linked to annual capacity growth with a target rate of 3,500MW, and are expected to be announced in October 2010. Experts estimate that subsidies paid to solar-power producers may still add up to



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