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发表于:2010-07-29 13:41:23     作者: Nathalie Weinstein 来源:Solar Be 翻译

    不久,作为入网补贴计划的一部分,全美将安装近200个新的太阳能光伏系统。Pacific Power,Portland General Electric以及Idaho Power将负责该方案的管理,他们将允许客户用太阳能光伏组件发电,以减少自己的用电成本。新的入网补贴方案也激起了欧洲组件需求热潮。
    Lowery表示: 现在,安装商们不必担心因组件短缺而无法开展业务了。大多数安装商都选择同时与多家光伏组件制造商合作,以防组件供应不足。


    Manufacturers are producing solar modules as fast as they can, but not fast enough to meet demand.Manufacturers and solar installers say demand for modules is increasing because of low prices, new feed-in tariff programs and greater public awareness. Now, some people are predicting that a module supply shortage could be on the horizon.
    And soon, nearly 200 new solar photovoltaic modules will be installed throughout the state as part of a pilot feed-in tariff program. Pacific Power, Portland General Electric and Idaho Power are managing the program, which allows customers with solar photovoltaic modules to reduce utility costs by generating their own electricity. New feed-in tariff programs are also popping up in Europe, Fowles said, and increasing demand for modules.
    For now, installers aren’t worried they will be unable to conduct business due to a module shortage, Lowery said. Most installers do business with several manufacturers in case one encounters a supply problem.



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