经济困难的克拉克县的校区希望投资400万美元以给20所学校安装屋顶太阳能电池板以减少开支,供应电力.公共设施处处长Paul Gerner说,光伏系统可供给学校25%的电力,且每年可节省19万美元.但是学校官员却没打算用这些节省下来的资金作为项目启动资金.相反,他们希望得到140万美元联邦鼓励资金和第一批的五所学校安装完毕后从内华达州能源办公室返还的120万美元一次性退税.内华达州能源办公室给每瓦光伏电力返还5美元,因此,如果20所学校都安装上太阳能发电系统,那么该地区就可以得到高达500万美元的返还款.而该区以往每年在电费上要花费6500万美元。
The cash-strapped Clark County school district is hoping a $4 million investment in rooftop solar panels for up to 20 campuses will produce power and cut costs. Associate facilities superintendent Paul Gerner says the photovoltaic systems could provide 25 percent of the schools' power and save $190,000 a year.But officials aren't counting on energy savings to pay startup costs.Instead, they expect to receive $1.4 million in federal stimulus funding and $1.2 million in one-time rebates from NV Energy once the first five schools are outfitted. The NV Energy rebate pays $5 per photovoltaic watt of power, so that if 20 schools hook up solar power systems, the district could get rebates of up to $5 million.The district currently spends about $65 million on electricity a year.