SK集团所属的SK Innovation公司于7月28日宣布与中国太阳能领域的龙头企业皇明集团,以及亚洲最大的民营石油化学企业台塑集团携手开发能源存储设备。能源存储是新能源产业发展所必须的 技术之一。
SK Innovation总裁具滋荣和皇明集团董事长黄鸣、台塑集团副董事长陈胜光在山东省德州市签署了共同参与能源存储设备(ESS: Energy Storage System)试点业务
innovation. I think the purpose of the FIT for solar is to subsidize research costs and development costs. Ideally they need to be big enough for the industry to survive, but require ongoing innovation
innovation. I think the purpose of the FIT for solar is to subsidize research costs and development costs. Ideally they need to be big enough for the industry to survive, but require ongoing innovation
政策引导下民营高科技的快速发展和巨大突破。他引述了温总理的话:“要让中国成为一个创新国家”("We will make China a country of innovation"),并援引调查报告,称 and seize the opportunity, and when it does, it still has the greatest innovation machine