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BISOL 获 Ruban d’Honneur荣誉奖章

来源:Solar Be 翻译发布时间:2010-08-03 14:31:31作者:KATJA GORSEK

    PREBOLD,2010年8月2日,斯洛文尼亚优品质光伏组件生产商BISOL 在激烈竞争中脱颖而出,荣获汇丰赞助的欧洲业务奖章Ruban d’Honneur。Ruban d’Honneur荣誉勋章是对业务部门卓越成效的最大肯定。BISOL将在英国贸易投资总署内以其创新优势参与决赛。
   BISOL是唯一一家获得Ruban d’Honneur奖章的光伏企业,公司代表将于11月16日出巴黎Westin颁奖晚会。
Ruban d’Honneur奖章颁发给每个行业类别的前十名10入围者,Ruban d’Honneur接待人将决定每个行业类别的最终胜利者。
   BISOL首席执行官 Uros Merc博士表示:“对于BISOL而言,获得European Business Awards 颁布的Ruban d’Honneur奖章意义重大,表明了公司及全体员工为客户和合作伙伴服务,引领整个光伏行业阔步向前的决心与激情。 ”
    所有Ruban d’Honneur荣获得者现在都将准备出席来自欧洲27个国家的国家元首、工业家、企业家和媒体评论员等共同关注的第三次判定。判定访谈将于9月在汇丰银行伦敦办公室举行。
European Business Awards总裁Adrian Tripp 补充道,“设立这个奖项本身就是一个巨大的成就。欧洲商界的目光是很好,获奖者们都是不管遇到什么困难都会如期完成任务的。” BISOL简介
    拥有国家最先进制造技术,BISOL 光伏组件可确保长期的良好运作,经得起最严格操作条件的检验。Photon的测试证明了BISOL组件是世界市场最独特光伏产品之一,可确保最高能源产量,因而得到更令人满意的投资回报。BISOL 的品牌质量、可靠性、以客户为本的服务及推成出新技术创新能力都是无可争议的。为了加强其全球运行能力,BISOL在比利时、法国和意大利都有国际业务代表机构

    PREBOLD, 2nd of August 2010 – BISOL, Slovenian producer of premium quality PV modules, stepped ahead of tough competition to be selected for a prestigious Ruban d’Honneur in round two of the European Business Awards sponsored by HSBC. Receiving a Ruban d’Honneur is an impressive achievement and celebrates businesses who demonstrate exceptional performance within their sector. BISOL will now compete as a finalist within the UKTI Award for Innovation.

    BISOL is the only company from the photovoltaic industry to be given a Ruban d’Honneur and will be present at the glittering Awards final at The Westin, Paris, on 16th November. The Ruban d’Honneur is awarded to up to ten successful entrants in each category and it is from the Ruban d’Honneur recipients that the final winner in each category is decided.

    Dr. Uros Merc, CEO of BISOL says, “For BISOL to receive a Ruban d’Honneur from the European Business Awards is a real mark of distinction and is testament to the determination and passion which drives this company. The commitment of our staff, the importance of our customers and partners culminate in being recognised as leaders in our field.”

    All Ruban d’Honneur recipients will now prepare to appear before a third judging panel of highly regarded academics, heads of state, industrialists, entrepreneurs and media commentators drawn from across the 27 member European States. The interviews will take place at HSBC’s offices in London in September.

    Adrian Tripp, CEO of the European Business Awards added, “To get this far in the Awards programme is a tremendous achievement. The gaze of the European business community is well and truly on the Ruban d’Honneur recipients and BISOL demonstrated real talent in its category despite what has been a difficult trading period.”

BISOL, d.o.o.
    BISOL is innovative and internationally acclaimed European producer of premium quality photovoltaic (PV) modules. With an annual production capacity of 80 MW, the worldwide installations ideally reduce over 52.000 tons of CO2 emissions each year. Manufactured under the state-of-the-art technology, BISOL PV modules ensure an outstanding long-term performance and are designed to withstand the most rigorous operating conditions. Performance test by Photon prove BISOL modules to be one of the most exclusive products available in the world market, ensuring highest energy yields and thus more satisfying returns on investment. BISOL brand stands for undisputable quality and reliability, customer oriented services and continuous drive for technological innovations. To strengthen its presence worldwide, BISOL runs international operations from its representative offices in Belgium, France and Italy.

    BISOL does not take any legal or other risk, or any other liability concerning the information set forth in this or any other Press Release published by BISOL. Certain statements concerning future growth prospects involve risk and uncertainties, especially those relating to future industry outlook and BISOL’s ability to manage growth and intense competition within the industry. Actual market conditions and performance of BISOL may differ from the guidance. All the estimates are based on current market conditions and trends known to BISOL at the date of publishing the Press Release. These estimates can change without BISOL’s liability to change, update or correct the information.

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