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订购焦点:亿晶光电科技提供100兆瓦太阳能模块组件给Payom Solar

发表于:2010-07-26 13:30:27     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbe

Payom Solar 公司与中国供应商亿晶光电签订了一项100兆瓦的组件供应合,年限在2011年和2013年。CEO Jör Truelsen.说“我们会更加坚信长期购买策略,并把精力投放在产业和安装光伏屋顶的项目上。我们的核心竞争力在屋顶设施领域,通过与我们的屋顶合作商合作,我们将会继续增强实力,尽管入网补贴会在将来减少。”

“除了在相关业务的扩展,这也是Payom 公司的重大合作战略。我们扩大了我们的采购基地的范围,并能避免只依赖有少数供应商供货的问题,”Truelsen 总结说。

Payom Solar has concluded a framework agreement with Chinese module provider EGing Photovoltaics Technology for the supply of 100MW modules in the years 2011 and 2013. "We feel confirmed in our long pursued strategy to focus on industrial and private roofs. With our core competence in the field of on-roof installations and by our wide range of roof partners we will continue to grow stronger than the market despite the reduction of feed-in compensation also in the future," said CEO Jörg Truelsen.

"Besides the associated expansion of business, this new partnership is of enormous strategic importance for the Payom. We remarkably broadened the base for our purchasing possibilities now and are able to avoid possible dependencies on only few suppliers by this," Truelsen concluded.



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