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Atlantic Green Power获14.4MW太阳能农场土地使用权

发表于:2010-07-21 11:11:25     作者:Abby Gruen 来源:Solar Be 翻译

    大西洋绿色能源公司(Atlantic Green Power)一直希望在Pittsgrove建设一个且颇具规模的太阳能农场。今日公司宣布,Pittsgrove各乡镇土地利用委员会已批准东部两大发展计划所需土地。
    大西洋绿色能源公司(Atlantic Green Power)表示东部90英亩大的光伏电站可产生高达14.4兆瓦的电力,该电站预计于2011年第一季度开始建设。而西部422英亩的光伏电站则由于其规模过大和景观位置重要的原因被土地利用委员会拒绝。
    大西洋绿色能源总裁兼首席执行官Robert Demos 在今天的新闻见面会上表示:“尽管这一项目遇到了这么大的挫折,Atlantic Green Power依然对Pittsgrove整个项目充满信心,我们将继续评估方案,促进西部光伏电站的发展。”


 Atlantic Green Power, a developer seeking to build a utility-scale solar energy farm in Upper Pittsgrove Township, today announced that the township's Land Use Board has granted final site plan approval for the development of the eastern portion of the two tracts of land under evaluation by the Board.
    The 90-acre eastern site could generate up to 14.4 megawatts of electric power and is expected to begin construction in the first quarter of 2011, the company said.
    The 422-acre western portion of the site was denied approval by the Board last month, because of its size and scenic location.
   "Despite this setback, Atlantic Green Power remains confident in the merits of the overall project in Upper Pittsgrove and will continue to evaluate its options to facilitate the development of the western site, said," said Robert Demos, President and CEO of Atlantic Green Power, in a press release today.
    The company said it continues to pursue a total projected 74.6 megawatt solar farm on the 512 acres of land it leases in Upper Pittsgrove Township.



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