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发表于:2010-07-19 11:04:28     作者:Energy Matters 来源:Solar Be 翻译

    Julia Gillard's在上周六宣布全国大选中强调,发展可再生能源至关重要。
    澳大利亚绿党领袖Bob Brown 说:“这次选举与参议院及为澳大利亚人提供更好的环境息息相关。绿党将针对环境问题包括气候变化采取积极行动,在40,000煤层瓦斯抽放钻孔和明挖煤矿上建立海洋国家公园,保护和拯救原生森林和野生动植物。”
    2010联邦选举中,反对党领袖Tony Abbott也在其声明中提到环境问题。

    Australia is preparing to go to the polls in what could be the "greenest" election in the nation's history. Greens leader, Bob Brown, has already been dubbed a "kingmaker" as a hung Parliament or minority government is a possibility after the August 21 vote.
    In Julia Gillard's address to the nation on Saturday announcing the election, major spending for renewable energy was a major point:
    Australian Greens leader Bob Brown said, "This election is also about the Senate and a strong crossbench delivering better outcomes for Australians. The Greens are the responsible alternative to a deadlocked Abbott controlled Senate. The Greens will campaign strongly on environmental issues including climate change action, the creation of marine national parks, protecting native forests and wildlife and saving the Darling Downs farmlands from 40,000 coal seam gas drill holes and open cut coalmines."
    Opposition leader Tony Abbott's statement on 2010 Federal Election also made reference to environmental issues.
    "We’ll respect the environment because we only have one planet to live on. But you don’t help the environment by damaging the economy. We’ll reduce emissions in ways that help our farmers and establish a standing Green Army, 15,000 strong, to care for our country."



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