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发表于:2010-07-29 11:26:33     作者:Adam Gonn 来源:Solar Be 翻译

    数月前以色列国家基础设施部长Uzi Landau宣布,到2020年以色列10%的能源需求将来自诸如风能和太阳能等可再生能源。为了达到这个目标,以色列必须安装足够的可再生能源基础设施,生产4000兆瓦小时的电力。


    Despite being at the forefront of solar technology, solar power is not yet widespread in Israel. A new initiative aims to change that. 
    Israel’s Public Utilities Authority has announced a new initiative aimed at boosting the volume of solar power produced in the country.The authority announced on Wednesday that it would boost volume of solar power the government is willing to buy, while reducing by 25 percent the rate it would pay solar power producers from 2.04 shekel [53 cents] to 1.55 shekels [40 cents] per kilowatt hour.
Israel incentivizes the production of renewable energy by paying an enhanced rate to producers who pump energy from renewable sources into Israel’s electrical grid, thereby forcing the authority to limit the volume of renewable energy it can afford to buy.
    The move comes a few months after Israel’s National Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau announced that 10 percent of Israel’s energy needs will come from renewable sources such as wind and solar power by 2020. To meet the goal, Israel must install enough renewable energy infrastructure to produce over 4,000 megawatts hours of power.
    According to the Israeli Ministry of National Infrastructure the country’s three main energy sources are coal (69 percent), natural gas (23 percent) and oil (7 percent).



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