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发表于:2010-07-21 11:24:35     作者:solarcreator 来源:solarbe

杰西.J SDG&E公司总裁介绍到,“该项目将为无限的可再生能源提供传输通道,给圣地亚哥地区带来更加清洁的人文环境。

U.S. Forest Service approves DG&E’S Sunrise Powerlink
13.07.2010: San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) has received approval to move forward with construction of the approximately $1.9 billion, 120-mile Sunrise Powerlink transmission line from the Department of Agriculture’s United States Forest Service (USFS). The new power line will increase the reliability of the power grid and transport renewable energy, such as solar, wind and geothermal power, from remote areas in southern California’s Imperial Valley to residences and businesses in the San Diego region. "This key decision accelerates the momentum for the Sunrise Powerlink, a project that will create much needed jobs, lower greenhouse gas emissions and bolster reliability for the region’s power grid,”
said Jessie J. Knight, Jr., chief executive officer of SDG&E. “This project will access vast, untapped sources of renewable power for the people of San Diego County and help create a cleaner, more environmentally-responsible future for the region.“ …
Source: San Diego Gas & Electric



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