GCL-Poly 和 CGN Solar Energy Development Co 将共同开发1 GW中国山西大同的太阳能农场,该项协议作为两家公司的框架协议 。
GCL-Poly 不能提供进一步的项目信息,但是表示两家公司的将“将系统地发起太阳能农场投资,因为该地区有足够的太阳能资源。” 大同市已经被选为2013年国际太阳能十项全能东道主城市。
operations of the third Phase project in Xuzhou started.In July, 2009, GCL-Poly Energy paid 26.35 billion make it ranks first in China and Asia, third in the world.On February 18, 2011, GCL-Poly Energy
operations of the third Phase project in Xuzhou started.In July, 2009, GCL-Poly Energy paid 26.35 billion make it ranks first in China and Asia, third in the world.On February 18, 2011, GCL-Poly Energy
Trina Solar宣布,透过子公司Changzhou Trina Solar Energy与GCL-Poly Energy.子公司GCL Solar Energy Technology签订长期 晶圆与多晶矽供应协议。根据协议,GCL-Poly将在5年内对Trina Solar供应可生产7,500 MW太阳能电力的晶圆与多晶矽,交货期间从2011年1月开始道2015年12月。
GCL-Poly 能源公司与Hareon 太阳能科技签订长期的战略协议,Hareon太阳能科技中国大规模的光伏产品供应商。GCL-Poly公司将会在今后三年内向Hareon太阳能科技公司提供价值 The signing of the
long-term wafer supply contract with GCL-Poly is a new milestone in our close
: GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited announced today that GCL (Nanjing) Solar Energy Technology Company Limited , a wholly-owned subsidiary of GCL-Poly, has signed a second long-term wafer supply contract