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GCL-Poly 公司和Hareon公司进入多晶硅供应生产合同

发表于:2010-09-08 15:32:12     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbe

GCL-Poly 能源公司与Hareon 太阳能科技签订长期的战略协议,Hareon太阳能科技中国大规模的光伏产品供应商。GCL-Poly公司将会在今后三年内向Hareon太阳能科技公司提供价值人民币208万的高品质硅片。

Together, we witnessed our rapid development in our respective fields in recent years. The signing of the

long-term wafer supply contract with GCL-Poly is a new milestone in our close partnership. We believe that the contract will further accelerate the development of Hareon’s businesses in the future.” said Mr. Yang Huaijin, President and CEO of Hareon.

Mr. Shu Hua, Executive Director and Executive President of GCL-Poly, stated, “We are pleased to cement a stronger business ties with Hareon, a large-sized photovoltaic products supplier in China. We shall make the best endeavors to deliver our promise of providing the best-in-class wafers to Hareon to underpin its continuous speedy growth. We expect closer collaboration with Hareon going forward to achieve a win-win situation in the fast-growing global solar industry’.




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