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Shinsung Holdings 选择应用材料小型工厂解决方案

发表于:2010-09-08 15:28:58     作者:索比太阳能 来源:Solarbe.com

Shinsung Holdings 公司,是一家快速发展的高效太阳能电池和其他高科技产品的制造商,现在选择了应用材料公司制造自动化解决方案,使产品优化并有助于的韩国太阳能操作系统公司降低花费成本。


Santa Clara, CA, USA: Shinsung Holdings Selects Applied Materials' SmartFactory Solution
Shinsung Holdings Corporation, a fast-growing manufacturer of high-efficiency solar photovoltaic cells and other high-technology products, has selected Applied Material's SmartFactory?manufacturing automation solution to optimize productivity and drive down costs as they ramp production across all their solar manufacturing operations in Korea.
Key to Shinsung's selection was the unique ability of the SmartFactory system to combine multiple production lines into a single virtual factory, enabling the system to modify process flows in real time to deliver higher and more consistent factory output.
Rapidly-deployable Applied SmartFactory software features pre-built operating scenarios for advanced crystalline silicon cell manufacturing, enabling customers to monitor all work-in-progress material movements, manage production sequencing and deliver instructions to shop floor workers via a consistent, task-focused graphical user interface.



投稿与新闻线索联系:010-68027865 刘小姐:news@solarbe.com


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