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Amtech Systems 得到了扩散程序系统订单

发表于:2010-09-08 15:34:00     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbe

Amtech Systems 是一家为太阳能电池片,半导体,和硅片提供相关供应的全球产品和自动化系统的供应商,昨天宣布其下属公司Tempress Systems已经收到了大约3700万美金的新光伏订单,这些订单来自于亚洲的一些新老客户。


Tempe, AZ, USA: Amtech Systems Receives Diffusion Processing System Orders
Amtech Systems, a global supplier of production and automation systems and related supplies for the manufacture of solar cells, semiconductors, and silicon wafers, yesterday announced that its solar subsidiary, Tempress Systems, Inc., has received approximately $37 million in new solar orders for its diffusion processing systems from several new and existing customers in Asia.
Including these most recent orders, Amtech's total solar orders to-date in fiscal 2010 has reached approximately $157 million. Amtech's fiscal 2010 began October 1, 2009.
J.S. Whang, Chief Executive Officer of Amtech, commented, "These latest orders further demonstrate the quality and depth of our expanding solar customer base, and our ability to provide excellent product and service to the industry. We believe the intense effort by our customers and the solar industry to increase cell efficiency will continue to drive demand for our superior diffusion technology. We continue to see excellent quotation activity and remain focused on continued successful execution of our solar growth strategy."



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