Xandex公司和其欧洲子公司Xandex BV公司开发了用于光伏模块的SunMizer阴影缓解工具。该产品将在2010年6月9日至11日德国慕尼黑举行的Intersolar展会上首度亮相。
SunMizer获得UL 1741和GS / CE安全认证,并有20年保修,其中包括为更换劳工提供船只。 SunMizer提供48伏和80伏直流模式,差不多适合所有单晶硅和多晶硅太阳能电池组件的使用。
Xandex Inc. and European subsidiary Xandex BV have developed the SunMizer shade mitigation tool for photovoltaic modules. The product will be unveiled at the upcoming Intersolar Europe 2010 conference, which will be held in Munich, Germany, June 9-11.
SunMizer is a shade mitigation tool designed to increase solar energy harvest by recovering power that is lost when shade falls on a solar module. By isolating the shaded solar module(s) from the rest of the modules in a series-connected string, SunMizer prevents the shaded panel from drawing down the power output of the non-shaded modules, the company explains.
At the same time, SunMizer harvests power from the shaded module and contributes that power to the string. The result is recovered power that would normally be lost due to shade, Xandex says.
SunMizer is UL 1741 and GS/CE safety certified, and it ships with a limited 20-year warranty that includes a provision for replacement labor. SunMizer is available in 48 VDC and 80 VDC models, making it suitable for use with nearly all monocrystalline and multicrystalline solar modules, the company adds.