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发表于:2010-04-26 18:01:46     作者:solarbe-Shine magazine 来源:www.nrel.gov

美国能源部今天宣布了对商业楼能源节约项目的支持,并把该项目作为美国一个持续进行的项目头改善商用楼能源效率。美国能源部国家劳动委员会将会选拔筹集技术专家对商业楼业主和运营商进行技术指导。这项商业楼宇合伙制规定主要是对新建楼和已有建筑物的能源的节省,并调动业主节能主动性。The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced support for energy-saving commercial building projects as part of an ongoing effort by DOE to improve the energy efficiency of buildings in the United States. With money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, DOE’s national laboratories will select and fund technical experts to provide technical guidance to commercial building owners and operators.  The goal of this Commercial Building Partnerships (CBP) initiative is to increase the energy efficiency of selected new and existing   buildings。               这项规定的出台将会使业主,商业楼的运营商还有来自于美国能源部国家劳动局的研究人员和私人技术专家加强合作。建筑商受到技术专家的指导:如何去设计,建立并保持低能耗的建筑以便可以减少能源使用和降低能源开销通过建立他们的档案。这个合作有助于把能源节约策略迅速推向市场节省成本。这个项目将会发布可利用的案例研究提供详细的能源利用资料并且最佳范例。  DOE's CBP initiative will foster collaborative relationships among the owners and operators of commercial buildings, researchers from DOE national laboratories and private-sector technical experts. Building owners receive technical expertise on how to design, build and maintain low-energy buildings that can reduce energy use and lower energy bills across their building portfolios. These collaborations help to move energy-saving strategies into the marketplace quickly and cost-effectively. Each of the CBP building projects will be documented in publicly available case studies that will provide detailed energy use data and best practices to other building operators across the country.                                      美国国家再生能源实验室主要负责可再生能源和能源节约研究与发展,其通过在可持续能源为美国能源部效力。   NREL is DOE’s primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for DOE by The Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC




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