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美国太阳能面板存安全隐患 威胁消防员生命

发表于:2010-04-16 09:50:14     作者:索比太阳能 来源:Solarbe.com



















ENERGY: Solar fire raises questions about panel safety A small house fire caused by a solar panel in San Diego last week exposed a potentially dangerous flaw in the building codes of many cities across California, which is pushing for tens of thousands of homeowners to install the generating systems on their rooftops.  

Experts say that in most cities, installers are not required to place a switch on the roof to cut power from panels in an emergency ---- leaving firefighters unable to put out certain fires and helpless to stop dangerous amounts of electricity from flowing along wires as long as the sun is shining. Temecula, which requires a separate shut-off, appears to be the sole local exception.  

Amy Pavis had a solar-powered electrical fire on her Lake Murray-area home on Wednesday, and it wouldn't go out.  

Fed by electricity from her rooftop solar panels, the fire smoldered for hours despite repeated applications of a household fire extinguisher and the efforts of the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department. Only after an electrician arrived to cut the wires leading from the panels were the flames put down for good.  

Snyder, who has investigated electrical fires for 25 years, said he's seen 50 solar-fed fires like this one, and on five occasions there was major damage. Snyder said the fire illustrates a clear failure of building codes governing solar installations, especially given the proliferation of residential solar arrays.  

Spurred by state and federal incentives, an appetite for carbon-free energy and a desire to protect themselves against electric rate hikes, California homeowners have been installing solar panels in increasing numbers. San Diego County issued 432 permits for solar installations between July 2008 and June 2009. In the nine months since then, it has issued 760.  

Nearly all of these installations include two switches next to or even inside the inverter box: one that cuts AC flowing into the house, and one that cuts the DC current flowing down from the panels. Pavis had an older inverter with the DC cutoff switch in the box, which exacerbated the problem. But Snyder thinks even the two-sided set up is inadequate.  

He argues there should be a way to cut DC power right up on the roof, as close to the panels as possible.

 "When you throw the breaker in the house, it should cut power on the whole system," he said.  

San Diego County follows the state's building codes, which do not require such a switch. In the region, only Temecula has such a requirement, Snyder said.  

Charlie DeHart, a battalion chief in Temecula for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, said the stricter rule is preferred because firefighters can effectively cut power from the panels.  

But some industry experts said that's exactly the problem. 

Sue Kateley, the executive director of the California Solar Energy Industries Association, a trade group, said DC cutoffs create danger because they mislead firefighters.  

The solar panels remain energized as long as the sun is up, and they even retain some electricity when it's dark. Putting a cutoff on the roof only neutralizes the wire running from the panels to the inverter box, but it doesn't eliminate the danger to firefighters. 

Kateley said there are other solutions to the problem of energized solar cells, but she didn't provide examples. She said the real lesson of last week's solar panel-sparked house fire is that homeowners need to have their systems inspected on a regular basis, to make sure nothing needs replacement or repair. But she also conceded that data on solar panels and safety is still coming in.






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