2019年全球光伏将迎来新一轮装机热潮,预计将达到125GW。美国市场2019年将会迎来经历“201调查”之后的回升,并在未来三年维持稳定增长;日本市场2019年因新政策原因将有望第一次超过10 GW;由于西班牙,意大利等市场的复苏,欧洲市场或将在沉积多年后再次出现高增长。同时,南美、北非、韩国等东南亚周边市场将会有明显增长。
为了顺应全球市场更高效率,更低度电成本的趋势,腾晖光伏在农历春节第一天便进行了产线升级改造,计划将半片组件的产能比例提升至总产能的30%,PERC单晶组件的产能比例提升至50%,同时在原有的产能基础上继续扩产,截止到2019年底,腾晖光伏全球组件总产能将达8 GW。
Talesun: Orders Raise Sharply to Salute the Roaring Market
The global PV marketroars again since the very beginning of 2019. Being as the world’s Tier 1 module manufacturer, Talesun experienced a sharp order increase during the past two months. With over 200 containers of module shipment per week, the company has delivered more than 500 MW modules for oversea market by end of February. All the employees of Talesun worked hard and with lots of overtime working, even during the most important traditional Chinese Lunar New Year holiday.
Along with the rapid development of PV industry and especially with the continuous declining Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE), PV Solar power is becoming one of the most important and promising powers among all renewable energies. It is now the key player in the global reconstruction of energy structure which aims reducing fossil energy consumption and carbon emission and, to save our planet from global warming.
However, the 5/31 policy of China in middle 2018 hit the Chinese PV industry heavily and following resulted in tremendous readjustments in the whole industry. Many famous PV companies shrank their business, and some of them even took layoffs.Benefit from strategic global deployment many years ago, Talesun had built the oversea business of both module sales and EPC business a big proportion of total revenue which helped the company to pull through the hard time.
Different from stunning 2018, business observers of PV industry see another market booming of 2019. According to research of IHS Markit, the latest estimation shows that the global PV installation will record to historical high of 123 GW, 18% increase compared with 2018. Almost all major markets will grow. Coming back from the 201 investigation, the US market will have at least three years of stable growing.Benefit from new policy released, the Japan market will for the first time in history achieve an installation of over 10 GW. In Europe, major countries including Spain, Italy, and Germany recovered and aims bigger ambition in PV installation. The European market may probably experience another prosperous PV year, after quite a long time of silence. Meanwhile, there are other hot markets spread in South America, North Africa, and Southeast Asia which may present surprise.
To better serve the growing market with higher efficiency and lower LCOE product, Talesun started the production line upgrade projects of both cell line and module line locates in China and Thailand factories in the first day of China’s Lunar New Year. The projects targets to increase the half type module capacity to 30% of total, and mono PERC module capacity to 50% of total. At the same time, with the expansion of total capacity, Talesun will possess total module capacity of 8 GW by end of 2019.
With an advantageous layout of productionbases of both inside and outside China, and with the effective and united team,Talesun is fully ready and holds the confidence to play a bigger role in the flourishing year of 2019.