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发表于:2011-08-10 20:55:36     作者:索比太阳能 来源:Solarbe.com


shine:刘珊珊(Sunny Liu)














这导致部分开发商大举参与竞标。新能源和可再生能源联合部长Farooq Abdullah表示,在招标过程中,他很震惊的看到价格从18卢比(0.40美分)降到了12卢比(0.27美分)。











有些地区将采用和JNNSM相同的反向竞标方案。但值得注意的是,Gujarat、Karnataka、Madhya Pradesh以及Maharashtra地区则采用上网电价机制。





这2500万的贷款中有1600万美元给了Azure Power Rajasthan,用以从First Solar公司购买薄膜组件。920万美元给了Punj Lloyd Solar Power,用以从Abound Solar购买组件。这两个项目的装机容量都是5MW。

Azure光伏电站是尼赫鲁国家太阳能任务(JNNSM)项目中第一个公用事业规模的电站。美国进出口银行是在此任务下第一个批准太阳能项目的国际金融机构。First Solar的James Brown表示,对于任何太阳能项目来说,资金都是至关重要的。“与美国进出口银行合作加速了可再生能源的部署规划,并满足了我们的客户对清洁、可再生的太阳能能源日益增长的需求。”

虽然在JNNSM项目下的许多太阳能项目因为缺乏资金担保而将被取消。但是Punj Lloyd Power Project显然不用担心这种情况的发生,此次它将从美国进出口银行获得920万美元的贷款。该项目位于拉贾斯坦邦,占地62.5英亩。Punj Lloyd Group的董事长Atul Punj表示:“我们很高兴能得到美国进出口银行的支持,为我们的项目实现资金保障。”

美国进出口银行的董事长Fred P.Hochberg目前正在印度,他强调印度市场对美国太阳能产业的出口有非常大的发展潜力。“那些可以创造就业机会并有助于满足印度不断增长的能源和基础设施需求的项目将有非常多的投资机会。”

能源基础设施问题也在美国进出口银行与印度官方的讨论议程中,Hochberg将在孟买会见来自印度基础设施发展金融公司的代表。而目前美国国务卿希拉里克林顿也在印度进行战略对话讨论。而在孟买,Hochberg还将讨论在去年11月与Reliance Power签署的一个50亿美元项目的谅解备忘录(MoU)。






















印度可再生能源开发署(IREDA)的主席兼常务董事Debashish Majumdar表示:“整个太阳能产业不再担心欧洲市场的动荡局势,因为他们发现印度正在成为一个新的、非常有前途的市场。”国有机构IREDA是印度太阳能融资机构中的领导者。


德国、西班牙、意大利、日本和美国是世界领先的光伏大国。而印度的太阳能产业由于缺乏经验和人力资源,目前仍属于风险创业阶段,但这种不足同时也为具有专业知识和技术的企业如Juwi Solar、施耐德以及Schott Solar等开启了一个巨大的市场。

“国家太阳能任务的第二阶段将为服务供应商,特别是EPC承包商以及能够通过数据分析确定有多少资源可用和可产生多少能源的人创造非常大的发展空间。这些机构将获得大量的业务。” Majumdar补充道,并表示目前还不能确定该市场的规模。EPC承包商负责太阳能电站项目的工程、采购和施工。



US-India Joint—Save Indian Solar Mission
Solar projects without financing will be cancelled

The funding deadline for the first batch of solar projects under the Indian solar mission has now passed. pv magazine has now learned that the projects which didn’t achieve financial closure will be cancelled.

Furthermore, a spokesperson at the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) told Mercom Capital Group that the capacity for the next batch of projects will be increased based on the size of the cancelled projects. For example, if 50 MW worth of projects get cancelled then the next batch capacity will be 300 MW plus 50 MW. Mercom Capital Group is a clean energy communications and consulting firm with offices in the U.S. and India.

No consequence

According to NVVN, the project developers that could not get their projects financed will still be allowed to bid again and will not face any consequences. Inexperienced developers can continue to delay and hold up projects though, unless the policy is changed to include stringent qualification requirements.

MNRE recently held a meeting to review policy suggestions from the industry. Based on the results of this meeting, new policy guidelines will be announced in the last week of July and will incorporate some of these suggestions.

Gambles on reverse auction

The funding deadline for the first batch of solar projects under the Indian solar mission has now passed. While the final project numbers have not been released, it appears that roughly half failed to secure funds. Here, Mercom Capital Group discusses the mission’s progress to date.

By the end of the second quarter of 2011, the whole of India’s solar sector was anxiously awaiting the looming July 9 deadline - the point when developers should have secured their funding for the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission’s (JNNSMs) Phase 1, Batch 1 solar projects.

This date gained even more significance after the Secretary of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) publicly stated that projects which did not receive funding by July 9, would not receive an extension, and that project cancellations would follow.
However, while companies had to have secured funding by the start of the month, they were given until July 24 to provide documentation. Overall, they were given six months from the date they signed their power purchase agreements (PPA) to obtain financing.

According to the MNRE, approximately half the projects failed to achieve financial closure by the given deadline. One senior MNRE official said that just 17 photovoltaic projects and two concentrated solar power (CSP) projects provided financial closure details. This is out of 30 photovoltaic projects, worth 150 megawatts, and seven CSP projects, worth 470 megawatts that were approved in the batch.

Reverse bidding

India scrapped its feed-in-tariff policy last August due to an overwhelming number of applications and replaced it with a reverse bidding mechanism where solar projects were awarded to the lowest bidder regardless of their previous experience in developing such projects.

This resulted in some aggressive bidding on the part of project developers. The Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy, Farooq Abdullah, was quoted as saying he was "really shaken" when he saw the tariff go down from 18 rupees (0.40 U.S. cents) to 12 rupees (0.27 0.40 U.S. cents) in the bidding process. 

The situation has been quite disconcerting since the chosen policy basically states: "Aggressive bidding welcome. No experience required."

In Mercom’s initial analysis of the JNNSM program (see pv magazine 9/2010), the group clearly outlined these risks: now these contentious issues are turning out to be the main culprits contributing to the difficulties in achieving financing.

Furthermore, due to the uncertainty in the outcomes of Phase 1, Batch 1 projects, MNRE has now postponed the announcement of bidding for the balance of Phase 1, Batch 2 projects until the end of 2011.


The MNRE has also recently invited suggestions for the selection process for the balance of capacity - 300 megawatts - of photovoltaic projects. But even before suggestions were made, the Director of MNRE was quoted in the media as saying that suggesting that they want to raise the size of projects from the current five megawatts to a maximum of between 20 and 25 megawatts per developer, which suggests that those at MNRE have already made up their minds to increase projects sizes. 

In a move to expedite solar projects and avoid delays, the Ministry of Environment and Forests recently announced that both photovoltaic and CSP projects are not required to obtain environmental clearance. This is helpful for developers in the short term. However, it would be prudent for them to voluntarily conduct environmental studies to avoid future problems. 

In a positive development for the industry, the government has approved gross budgeting support of Rs. 456 crore (102 million U.S. dollars), which will act as a backstop in the event of payment defaults by the state utilities. Most state utilities in India operate under a loss and depend on central government subsidies to survive.

In other developments, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission has proposed a reduction in solar renewable energy credit (REC) prices for the year 2012 to 2013, proposing a floor price of Rs. 9,880 (222 U.S. dollars) per megawatt hour and a forbearance price of Rs. 13,960 (308 U.S. dollars), which represents a reduction of approximately 18 percent from the 2010 to 2011 prices.


JNNSM’s decision to use reverse bidding instead of the feed-in tariff has created confusion among state solar programs. Since most state policies and tariffs expired on March 31, 2011, many states are in the process of developing new policies.

Some will be adopting the same reverse bidding program as JNNSM. Notable states with feed-in tariffs are Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and possibly Maharashtra. 

In conclusion, it now comes down to how many projects are funded in this batch. If a large number of projects do not receive funding, it will be a clear indication from the markets that the policy in its current form is not "bankable" and an immediate course correction will be required to renew confidence in the financial community.

US Ex-Im Bank hits $500 million in Indian solar loans

The Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank) of the United States has announced two new loans for Indian photovoltaic projects totaling $25 million. This is in addition to $75 million in solar transactions in the financial year 2011 through June 30, brings the total of Indian solar transactions to $500 million, worth 315 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity.

Confirming both America’s commitment to deepening economic ties with India and also the priority given to renewable projects, the Ex-Im Bank hopes to promote both the bank’s financial products but also facilitate the purchase of U.S. goods and services.

The two most recent Ex-Im Bank loans are in the form of a $16 million loan to Azure Power Rajasthan, to purchase thin-film modules from First Solar; and also $9.2 million to Punj Lloyd Solar Power, for solar modules from Abound Solar. Both projects have an installed capacity of five MW.

The Azure photovoltaic plant is one of the first utility scale plants under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM). Ex-Im Bank is the first international financial institution to approve solar projects under the mission. First Solar’s James Brown said that financing is a crucial part of any solar project and will allow for the purchase of its modules. "Collaborating with Ex-Im Bank accelerates renewable-energy deployment, allowing our customers to meet the growing demand for clean, renewable solar energy in India."

It became clear that many of the solar projects submitted under the JNNSM had not secured finance and therefore will be cancelled. This is not the case for the Punj Lloyd Power Project which will receive a $9.2 million Ex-Im Bank loan. The project, based in the state of Rajasthan, will be situated on a 62.5 acre site. Atul Punj, chairman of the Punj Lloyd Group said, "We are extremely proud to have U.S. Ex-Im Bank's support to achieve the financial closure for our project."

Ex-Im Bank Chairman Fred P. Hochberg is currently in India, where the recent announcements were made, and he highlighted the potential of the Indian market for U.S. solar industry exports. "There are tremendous opportunities for investments in projects that create jobs and help address India’s growing energy and infrastructure needs."

Energy infrastructure is also on the agenda of discussions between the Ex-Im Bank and Indian officials and Hochberg will meet representatives from India’s Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation in Mumbai. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is also in India for strategic dialogue discussions. While in Mumbai, Hochberg will also discuss a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed last November with Reliance Power, for a $5 billion deal to facilitate, in part, the purchase equipment to produce 900 MW if clean energy.

Karnataka's new solar policy

The south-western state of India, Karnataka, has released its new solar policy. Announced on July 1, it is targeting the installation of 350 megawatts (MW) of solar projects by 2016.

Of this, 200 MW worth of solar projects will be developed for direct sale to the different distribution companies in the state, commonly known as ESCOMS. To achieve this target, the government will allocate 40 MW worth of projects every year until 2016, thus providing much needed certainty on the allotment timelines to the developers. The split between photovoltaic and concentrated solar power (CSP), however, has not yet been defined.

Meanwhile, around 50 MW worth of bundled solar thermal power will be allotted to state-owned utilities for development. In these cases, the utilities will mix thermal power sourced from outside Karnataka with solar power that it generates within the state.

The bundling of solar power from within the state with conventional power bought from outside is significant. Karnataka is a power deficit state and will be able to supplement its solar thermal power supply through this mechanism. These projects are reserved for the state and federally-owned utilities, as it is relatively easy for them to enter into power purchase agreements (PPAs) for thermal power.

The National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), a public sector undertaking and India’s largest power generation utility will be a key player in developing these 50 MW. It has aggressive expansion plans for renewable energy and a large capacity to bundle solar power with its self-generated thermal power.

The remaining 100 MW will comprise projects under the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) mechanism. Such projects will not receive the preferential tariff under the policy. Instead, they will generate RECs while selling solar power to the public grid at the average power purchase cost (APPC) of the concerned distribution utility. Again, the split between photovoltaics and CSP is currently unknown.

The APPC varies from state to state and is between INR1.60 to 2.69 (


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