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MP2 Capital完成了丹佛光伏项目的第一阶段建设

发表于:2010-08-27 17:24:41     作者:索比太阳能 来源:Solarbe.com

MP2 Capital公司已经完成了1.8MW的光伏项目,这1.8MW是MP2 Capital公司计划为丹佛公立学校地区提供的。

MP2 Capital公司是光伏项目的开发商,资金供应商和操作商。公司计划在丹佛校区内安装的16个学校内已经完成了5个。剩下的工程预计在年底完成。MP2 Capital 与与当地Namasté Solar公司合作,一起完成该项目。 

MP2 Capital, a developer, financier and operator of solar projects, has completed the first phase of a 1.8 MW solar photovoltaic project to power the Denver Public School (DPS) District.

The rooftop solar arrays for the first five of 16 schools have been completed, and the remaining projects are expected to be constructed by the end of the year. MP2 Capital has partnered with local players Namasté Solar, a Colorado-based designer and installer, and Oak Leaf Energy Partners, a Denver-based developer, to help complete the projects.

As part of the innovative public-private financing structure, MP2 Capital assumed the project's financial and operational risks. DPS was able to secure renewable energy at a long-term rate and provide renewable energy credits to Xcel Energy. Through a power purchase agreement, DPS will procure the electricity generated from the system from MP2 Capital for a period of 20 years.





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