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发表于:2010-07-05 11:49:21     作者:匿名 来源:Solar Be 翻译

    2010年7月4日Dallas, TX - (PR.com) - ReportsandReports宣布它将把 薄膜光伏(PV)电池市场分析带到2020 - CIGS(铜铟镓硒醚)技术社联,作为其主要存储市场研究报告。

    The global thin film photovoltaic (PV) market, despite of caution in the overall PV industry, is expected to experience an overwhelming growth in coming years. By 2020, the industry is set to transform itself to become the face of Solar PV industry.
    Dallas, TX, July 04, 2010 --(PR.com)-- ReportsandReports Announce it Will Carry the Thin - Film Photovoltaic (PV) Cells Market Analysis to 2020 - CIGS (Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide) to Emerge as the Major Technology by 2020 Market Research Report in its Store.
Browse the complete Report on: http://www.reportsandreports.com/market-reports/thin-film-photovoltaic-pv-cells-market-analysis-to-2020-cig/.
    The report provides key data, information and analysis on the current status and future outlook of Global Thin film industry. The report provides detailed volume and value forecasts to 2020 of the global thin-film PV market by technology type and geographic region. The global thin film photovoltaic (PV) market, despite of caution in the overall PV industry, is expected to experience an overwhelming growth in coming years. By 2020, the industry is set to transform itself to become the face of Solar PV industry. The study also addresses thin-film module production, production capacity, and competition among the industry players (as per technologies) along with the focus on development of emerging technologies in the thin film arena. The report entails comprehensive analysis of top 5 countries. The strongest growth for thin film, as per our analysis, will be in Europe and the US in the short to medium term. Asian countries like China, Japan, and India are also expected to speedup their escalation in the medium term. In Germany will remain strongest and the most important market for thin film PV industry.




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