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发表于:2010-06-09 15:17:29     作者:Síle Mc Mahon 来源:Solarbe 编译



Astronergy’s a-Si/μc-Si tandem-junction high-efficiency thin-film PV modules have been awarded both TÜV and UL certification for the IEC 61646 and IEC 61730 standards. The dual certification means that the company’s modules are guaranteed for these standards in both Germany and the U.S.

All certification tests based on IEC 61646 and IEC 61730 standards were conducted on the modules, including damp-heat, mechanical load, humidity-freeze and thermal cycling. Efficiency tests were also successful; the panels exceeded the 9% stabilized conversion efficiency level, reaching an average of 9.2% in production.

“TUV and UL certifications on our thin film modules will help us accelerate the development of thin film markets in Europe and in the US,” Astronergy CEO Dr. Liyou Yang explained, “A-Si/μc-Si tandem-junction high-efficiency thin film has a significantly shorter energy payback time and its manufacturing process is more environmentally friendly compared to traditional wafer based PV.”

The company is looking to expand its thin-film capacity to 300MW by 2011, after completing its first high-efficiency tandem-junction thin-film production line in mainland China last year.




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