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Oklahoma 州州长批准能源安全法案

发表于:2010-05-31 15:26:45     作者:SI Staff 来源:solarbe 翻译

    Oklahoma 州州长Brad Henry, D-Okla签署HB3028号法案,该法案扩大了清洁能源在Oklahoma州的使用。该法案的主要目的是实现到2015年包括太阳能、风能、地热在内的可再生能源占全州总能耗的15%。为了最大限度地提高国家天然气利用率,该法案还规定了发展天然气能源标准,宣布天然气将用于发电。该法案要求Oklahoma州立法机构和公司委员会制定州内输电网扩展计划。“如果没有足够的传输容量Oklahoma的用电需求可能无法达到满足,”州能源部长 Bobby Wegener说, “一个更强大的传输系统将清洁发电,满足Oklahomans州甚至是全国人的用电需求。”

    Gov. Brad Henry, D-Okla., has signed into law H.B.3028, a measure that expands the use of clean energy in the state of Oklahoma.Sponsored by Speaker of the House Chris Benge and state Sen. David Myers, the legislation establishes a renewable energy goal that 15% of electricity in the state be generated by renewables such as solar, wind and geothermal by 2015.The bill allows electricity generators to utilize energy efficiency in order to meet the goal. In order to maximize the development of the state's natural gas, the bill also establishes a natural gas energy standard, declaring natural gas to be the preferred fuel for electricity generation, the governor's office notes.The act also requires the Oklahoma Legislature and the Corporation Commission to develop a plan for transmission grid expansion in the state."Without adequate transmission capacity, Oklahoma may miss an opportunity to provide clean energy for the region," says Bobby Wegener, Oklahoma's Energy Secretary. "A more robust transmission system will increase reliability for all customers and allow clean Oklahoma power generation to serve the electricity needs of Oklahomans and others throughout the country."



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