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发表于:2010-05-13 15:10:06     作者:Taylen Peterson 来源:Google


Solar power is wildly popular in New Jersey…too popular, it seems, for a state rebate program. The Garden State’s stance as a national solar power leader leaves no argument that New Jersey’s solar rebates have been successful, but success can be bittersweet. Depleted funding has forced New Jersey administrators to stop accepting applications for solar rebates from now until the end of summer.

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) announced the halt on Tuesday, and the suspension will remain in effect until September 1st. The reason for the program’s failure has actually been its success. In past years, according to a BPU spokesman, there has always been enough money for the program. But the already popular incentive just keeps getting more popular.

On April 1 of this year, the BPU stopped accepting applications because the funding that had been allocated through April 30 was spoken for. Then, when they re-opened the queue on May 3, there were people camping outside as if in line for a Led Zeppelin reunion tour. By the end of that day more than 1,100 applications were handed in and another 125 have been received in the week since. Once again, funding has been exhausted.

So the BPU is extending its cancellation period for longer this time, perhaps hoping that postponing applications until September 1 will dodge most of the summer rush and allow time for more adequate funding to accumulate.



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