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日本双日贸易公司 (Sojitz )投资1亿美元进入美国太阳能发电市场

来源:Google发布时间:2010-05-13 16:01:32作者:法新社

TOKYO — Japanese trading house Sojitz Corp. is planning to enter the solar power generation business through a 100 million dollar investment in a US firm, it was reported Thursday.

Sojitz will take a minority stake in California-based Solar Power Partners Inc. The third-largest US solar power developer plans to build up to 10 solar farms by 2015, the business daily Nikkei reported.

The move comes as the US solar power generation market is expected to grow by 40 percent under President Barack Obama's new energy policy, it added.

Japanese manufacturers will supply solar panels through Sojitz to the US partner.

Sojitz's investment will amount to about 10 billion yen, comprising the investment in Solar Power Partners and the investment in a solar farm operator to be created by the US developer, which has already developed 50 farms, it said.

Officials of Sojitz were not immediately available for a comment.

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