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发表于:2010-08-05 10:50:00     作者:索比太阳能 来源:Solarbe.com

    Primex农场,一个集开心果种植/处理和干果贸易于一体的农场, Cenergy Power,一家拥有市场领先太阳能方案的太阳能开发商,目前, Primex和 Cenergy正着手在Primex拥有现代技术的Wasco pistachio进行1.1兆瓦光伏系统的建设。
    基于Cenergy Power在工程和项目设计上丰富的经验,其被选中设计和建造该项目庞大系统。
    通过便利的现代化太阳能车位空间,设施,屋顶和地面,该系统的设计优化每年能成产超过170万千瓦小时的清洁太阳能电力。 这相当于每年从大气中消除1283公吨的二氧化碳或者种植274英亩的树林。
    作为太阳能协议的一部分,Cenergy Power将提供10年的运营和维护工作,其中包括但不仅限于电池板的免费清洗,预防性的维护和修理,以及整个系统的保修。

                       Primex Farms Breaks Ground on 1.1 MW Solar System
Primex Farms, a grower/processor of pistachios and trader of dried fruits and nuts, and Cenergy Power, a solar developer with market-leading solar solutions, have begun construction on a 1.1 MW solar photovoltaic system at Primex's state-of-the-art Wasco pistachio facility.
Cenergy Power was selected to design and construct the massive system due to its engineering and project structuring expertise.
The system's design is optimized to generate over 1.7 million kilowatt hours of clean solar power annually over available carports, roofs and ground space at the modern facility. This is equivalent to removing 1,283 metric tons of CO2 from the atmosphere or planting 274 acres of pine forest annually.
As part of the solar arrangement, Cenergy Power will be providing 10 years of scheduled operations and maintenancework, including but not limited to touch-free panel cleanings, preventative maintenance & repair, and overall system warranties.






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