1.The United States and China are committed to cooperating with each other and with other countries , including the United Nations framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the two Special Envoys released the following:
1.The United the United Nations framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. Both countries
组件供应商,还促进了本土电池和组件制造业的发展。除了由新日光能源(NSP)、昱晶(Gintech)和升阳(Solartech)合并而成的United Renewable Energy Company 。 。
尽管近期大型光伏项目土地收购困难重重,台湾仍在规划大型太阳能项目。United Renewable Energy本月宣布,计划明年下半年在台南附近建造一座193兆瓦的太阳能发电厂。
fifth-largest photovoltaic power producer after China, the United States, Japan and Germany. at 44.26GW, followed by the United States at 11.36 GW, Japan at 6.2 GW and Australia at 3.8GW, and India