and several other Asian countries will consider greater use of clean generation technologies (wind, solar of counties said that they should develop clean energy, and create more job opportunities for clean energy
and several other Asian countries will consider greater use of clean generation technologies (wind, solar of counties said that they should develop clean energy, and create more job opportunities for clean energy
and several other Asian countries will consider greater use of clean generation technologies (wind, solar of counties said that they should develop clean energy, and create more job opportunities for clean energy
近日,洛杉矶贸易委员会(Los Angeles Business Council,简称LABC)提出了名为Clean Local Energy Accessible Now LA (CLEAN LA 已经提交给洛杉矶市市长安东尼奥·维拉莱戈萨(Antonio Villaraigosa )、市议员和洛杉矶水电局(LADWP)。该联名信不但表明了这些组织对CLEAN LA计划的支持,还呼吁洛杉矶水电局