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Trina Solar与澳洲国家大学ANU签订合作研究协议

发表于:2011-04-29 12:47:13     作者:索比太阳能 来源:Solarbe.com
Trina Solar宣布与澳洲国家大学(ANU)签订合作研究协议,将加强太阳能电池转换效率。

CHANGZHOU, China, April 28, 2011 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- Trina SolarLimited (TSL) ("Trina Solar" or the "Company"), a leading integratedmanufacturer of solar photovoltaic (PV) products from ingots to modules, todayannounced through its subsidiary, Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co. Ltd., thesigning of a three year research agreement with the Australian NationalUniversity ("ANU"). The joint research and development agreement is expected toreceive more than AUD3 million funding from the Australian Solar Institute("ASI"). The ASI is part of the Australian Government's Clean Energy Initiativeand aims to promote and support new innovative research ideas.

Under the term of the agreement, Trina Solar will collaborate with ANU todevelop industry-ready n-type monocrystalline solar cells. The project aims todevelop high efficiency n-type silicon solar cells with conversion efficienciesof 20% for mass production by leveraging existing and proven processing toolscurrently used for p-type cells. In addition, the project will aim to improvethe efficiency of Trina Solar's standard p-type multicrystalline silicon solarcells, by increasing commercial production efficiency to approximately 19%.

"We are very excited to announce this research agreement with the AustralianNational University, which will help Trina Solar remain at the forefront ofhigh-efficiency solar cell production," said Mr. Jifan Gao, Chairman and CEO ofTrina Solar. "Our solar products are among the best performing in the solarspace and we continue to enhance their performance while maintaining our costleadership."

Project leader Associate Professor Daniel Macdonald from the AustralianNational University said that the outcome of this research is expected to makesolar energy more affordable. "We are pleased to partner with Trina Solar inthis project, and we look forward to working together to bring innovative newtechnologies into production. We hope this will be the start of a long-lastingpartnership that will benefit both parties."

About Trina Solar Limited

Trina Solar Limited (NYSE: TSL) is a leading manufacturer of high qualitymodules and has a long history as a solar PV pioneer since it was founded in1997 as a system installation company. Trina Solar is one of the few PVmanufacturers that have developed a vertically integrated business model fromthe production of monocrystalline and multicrystalline ingots, wafers and cellsto the assembly of high quality modules. Trina Solar's products provide reliableand environmentally-friendly electric power for a growing variety of end-userapplications worldwide. For further information, please visit Trina Solar'swebsite at http://www.trinasolar.com.

About The Australian National University (ANU)

ANU is one of Australia's premier universities and ranked amongst the best inthe world. It was created by Federal Parliament in 1946 to drive the nationforward and advance Australia's international standing through research andeducation of the highest quality. The University is distinctive because of itsnational mission, international focus and impressive record in research andeducation for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Our leading researchersdrive our educational programs and shape the ANU learning experience. Forinformation about the ANU, please see www.anu.edu.au.

About the Australian Solar Institute (ASI)

The ASI is a $150 million commitment by the Australian Government tosupport solar thermal and solar photovoltaic research and development. The ASIaims to drive collaborative, focused research and development that will have amajor impact on the efficiency and cost effectiveness of solar technologies.This commitment will foster greater collaboration between solar researchers inuniversities, research institutions and industry and help forge strong linkswith peak overseas solar research organizations. For more information about theASI, please visit ASI's website at http://www.australiansolarinstitute.com.au.

Safe Harbor Statement

This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaningof the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact in thisannouncement are forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, theCompany's ability to raise additional capital to finance theCompany's activities; the effectiveness, profitability andmarketability of its products; the future trading of the securities of theCompany; the period of time for which the Company's currentliquidity will enable the Company to fund its operations; general economic andbusiness conditions; the volatility of the Company's operatingresults and financial condition; and other risks detailed in theCompany's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks anduncertainties and are based on current expectations, assumptions, estimates andprojections about the Company and the industry in which the Company operates.The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements toreflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or to changes in itsexpectations, except as may be required by law. Although the Company believesthat the expectations expressed in these forward looking statements arereasonable, it cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to becorrect, and the Company cautions investors that actual results may differmaterially from the anticipated results.

For further information, pleasecontact:

Trina Solar Limited

Brunswick Group

Terry Wang,CFO

Caroline JinqingCai

Phone: + (86) 519-8548-2009(Changzhou)

Phone: + (86) 10-6566-2256

Thomas Young, Senior Director ofInvestor Relations

Michael Fuchs

Phone: + 1(408) 459-6706(San Jose)

Phone: + (86)10-6566-2256



SOURCE Trina Solar Limited



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