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发表于:2012-09-10 15:18:30     作者:solarbe 来源:solarbe


   “晶科能源承诺会继续向欧洲主要光伏市场的客户供应高质量太阳能组件,并通过我们在欧洲办公室的本地团队提供最优质的物流及服务。”晶科能源首席营销官Arturo Herrero说到。

Jinko Solar Responds to Initiation of Anti-Dumping Investigation by European Commission
SHANGHAI, Sep.7, 2012 - JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. ("JinkoSolar" or the "Company") (NYSE: JKS), a leading global solar power product manufacturer states the anti-dumping allegations initiated by some European companies are both unfair and unfounded, and do not reflect the reality of the highly-competitive global solar industry. The company believes that trade protectionism will only harm fair competition in the market, hinder the development of the entire PV industry, and hurt PV consumers.
"JinkoSolar, as one of the leading photovoltaic manufacturers in the industry, will actively cooperate with the European Commission’s investigation. The company will continue expanding into emerging markets, including China, South Africa, India and Australia to alleviate possible impacts that could result from the potential trade friction," said Xiande Li, JinkoSolar's Chairman.
“JinkoSolar will keep committed to deliver the demand requested of our high quality solar modules to the European customers in main PV markets with the good service of our local teams from our different offices in Europe and the local logistics services,” added Arturo Herrero, Chief Marketing Officer.
The company reaffirms that the unfair anti-dumping claims will not affect its operations and global strategy, and the company will actively contends against such unfair claims. The company believes that fair and transparent competition, rather than trade protectionism, will reduce the cost of photovoltaic applications, improve the competitive advantage of solar energy over other energy sources, and ultimately promote the prosperity of the industry as a whole.



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