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发表于:2010-09-10 10:13:53     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbe




The Italian Conferenza Stato e Regioni - the country's committee of representatives and the central government - plans to adjust national feed-in-tariff (FIT) levels. The new levels will take effect Dec. 31.

The FIT - known as the Conto Energia III - "still offers a high degree of investment security, despite the moderate reductions made in line with current market conditions," says EuPD Research in a research note announcing the reduction.

Funds allocated to solar electricity generated by open-space systems with a capacity up to 5 MW will be cut by 9.3% - on average - during the first four months of 2011, according to EuPD Research. Incentives for systems with a capacity of 5 MW and greater will be decreased by 14.2%. Adjustments for rooftop systems are between 4.75% and 13.28%, depending on the size of the system. Tariffs will be reduced every four months in 2011.

"The new Conto Energia III clearly shows that an adjustment with a sense of proportion can also work in growth markets such as the Italian market," commented Markus A.W. Hoehner, CEO of EuPD Research. "The fact that a sweeping cut of all tariffs is no longer under discussion and that the adjustments have been tailored to the individual market segments should be [welcomed]."





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