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Solaire Generation 为太阳能停车场提供组件

发表于:2010-08-20 17:20:55     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbe

Solaire Generation ,是光伏组件,光伏安装设计安装商,已经被选择提供光伏停车棚的组件供应商,为该项目提供4.1MW,该项目计划在2011年达产完成。

Solaire 停车棚将会提供11350个光伏组件,并将会包含13500个停车空间。完成之后,项目将会包含1.1米的停车棚。


Solaire Generation, a designer, manufacturer and installer of solar photovoltaic parking structures, has been selected to supply solar parking canopies for a 4.1 MW project at a Fortune 100 corporate office campus in central New Jersey. The project is scheduled to reach completion by early 2011.

The Solaire Parking Canopies will support more than 11,350 solar panels and will cover about 1,350 parking spaces. When completed, the project will include a total of 1.1 miles of canopies, which feature a patented dual-incline design.

According to the company, the Solaire Parking Canopy is the only currently installed commercial parking canopy to offer an integrated decking and gutter system that protects people and cars from snow and ice, and protects the wiring and panels from unauthorized access. Snow and rainwater captured by the canopies can be recycled for irrigation and other gray-water uses.

Solaire expects to build canopies supporting at least 5 MW of installed capacity by the end of this year.







投稿与新闻线索联系:010-68027865 刘小姐:news@solarbe.com


投稿与新闻线索联系:010-68027865 刘小姐 news@solarbe.com 商务合作联系:010-68000822 media@solarbe.com 紧急或投诉:13811582057, 13811958157
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