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发表于:2010-07-15 00:31:03     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbe

埃及电力部长透露一个建造100兆瓦太阳能发电厂的计划,打算从2012年到2017耗资总额7亿美元来建设光伏电站。这个项目选址在Kom Ombo ,在Aswan High Dam水力发电站旁边,将会有国际机构如非洲发展基金和世界银行提供资金,其他财政机构也会去通过联合国清洁发展机制减少碳化物等项目提供资金。

该工程项目,标志着该国的五年计划开始,从2012年至2017年运行,建成为北非国家中顶级太阳能生产国。 目前该国的的电力都是来源于天然气发电,埃及计划到2010年将实现可再生能源利用比例占总能源比例的20%的目标。

Egypt's Electricity Ministry has revealed plans to build a 100MW solar power plant, costing a total of US$700 million between 2012 and 2017. Located at Kom Ombo, near the Aswan High Dam hydro-electric plant, the project will be financed by a number of international institutions, including the African Development Fund and the World Bank. Additional finance is also expected to be provided through the UN's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) carbon offsetting scheme, reports the Guardian.

The utility-scale project marks the beginning of the country's five-year plan, running from 2012-2017, to establish itself as one of the top generators of solar energy in North Africa. The country's government has set a target of 20% for renewable energy generation by 2010, which it plans to achieve by installing wind and solar power systems. At present, the majority of Egypt's energy is provided by natural gas-fired power stations, with a small percentage coming from large scale hydroelectric plants on the Nile delta.



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