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发表于:2010-07-14 11:35:30     作者:James Cartledge 来源:Solar Be 翻译



 亚利桑那州西南部的Agua Caliente 太阳能光伏项目暂定今年下半年动工。太阳能组件制造商第一太阳能公司昨日花费2.97亿美元完成了对太阳能发展公司NextLight的收购工作。
   第一太阳能使用现金交易,签署了2.2GW的北美太阳能项目。 该公司从Energy Capital Partners的私人股权中收购了NextLight的旧金山公司。
   第一太阳能表示,此举是其扩大在美公用事业电力市场规模的重要之举。此举始于2007年,那时公司收购了Energy Capital Partners,随后,即2009年公司收购了OptiSolar,今年公司还计划收购Edison集团。

    The Agua Caliente solar photovoltaic project in southwest Arizona is set to begin construction later this year. Solar module manufacturer First Solar, Inc., completed its $297 million acquisition of the solar development firm NextLight Renewable Power yesterday.
    The cash deal will see First Solar, which has its head office in Tempe, Arizona, taking on power purchase agreements for 2.2 gigawatts of solar projects in North America.
The company acquired San Francisco firm NextLight from the private equity firm Energy Capital Partners.
    First Solar said the move was part of its expansion in the US utility-scale power market, which started in 2007 with the takeover of Turner Renewable Energy and continued with the purchase of OptiSolar in 2009 and Edison Mission Group this year.
   The company said NextLight’s team of project developers and other staff have now joined First Solar.



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