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Sikorsky 航空公司启用屋顶太阳能系统

发表于:2010-07-13 10:38:57     作者:The New Haven Register 来源:Solar Be 翻译

    Sikorsky 航空已经启动了公司的第一个太阳能电池板阵列。该公司在其康涅狄格州Stratford市的厂区新建工程屋顶上安装了450块太阳能电池板。

    Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. has activated the company’s first solar panel array, consisting of 450 panels mounted on the rooftop of a new engineering building at the company’s campus in Stratford, Conn., reports The New Haven Register.
    The solar photovoltaic system is expected to generate 106,250 kilowatt-hours of renewable energy annually. The company estimates that the environmental benefits are equal to removing more than 72,000 pounds of carbon dioxide, 53 pounds of nitrogen oxide and 31 pounds of sulfur dioxide from the environment.
    Soltage constructed Sikorsky’s Solar PowerStation. The renewable energy company also owns and operates the system and funds all of the capital for the project. Under the agreement, Sikorsky purchases the electricity generated from the system at a negotiated fixed rate. A $253,515 grant from the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund covered about 40 percent of Soltage’s equipment costs.
    About five years ago Connecticut had one of the most generous solar incentive programs in the country, which fueled the growth of dozens of solar companies, but state subsidies have run out of funds.




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