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发表于:2010-07-09 13:45:03     作者:匿名 来源:Solar Be 翻译

    Solarbuzz公司市场研究表明,  亚太地区主要国家光伏政策改革后,2010年亚太光伏市场有望为全球光伏(PV)市场增长作出巨大贡献。
    2009年澳大利亚住宅需求推动了光伏市场的增长。这一年,澳大利亚光伏市场增年长222%,达到74兆瓦。 2009年8%的装机容量用于并网住宅用途。

    Asia Pacific photovoltaic markets are poised to make a significant contribution to global photovoltaic (PV) market growth in 2010 following improvements in the policy environment in most of the key countries in this region, according to market research firm Solarbuzz.
    Key emerging country markets - China, India, South Korea, and Australia – along with the long established Japanese market, contributed 0.9 GW of installations in 2009, or 12% of world demand.
    While policy changes led to demand reduction in South Korea in 2009, the PV markets in all five countries are now expected to show growth in 2010.
    2009 saw Japan's domestic market more than double in 2009 to 477 MW, thanks to the re-launch of a nationwide residential incentive program and the introduction of a Japanese version of a Feed-In Tariff (FIT). As of December 2009, over 400 prefecture and municipal governments offered residential PV support programs, including subsidies, loans, and utility buy-back schemes.
    Australian residential PV demand drove the market in 2009, growing 222% year-on-year to 74 MW. Eighty percent of the 2009 capacity installed was for on-grid residential use.








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