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发表于:2010-07-05 11:19:56     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbe




电池组件产生的能量将预期在今后的25年每年产生大约1.3M 磅。这将会重新投资在安装太阳能组件给更多的学校上。这就是说,在今后的五年,英国天然气公司将会免费安装1100所学校。这个电池组件将也会帮助所选的学校满足减少二氧化碳的目标,每年减少总计1400吨的排放量,这相当于马路上减少400辆汽车所排放的量。

British Gas is to make £15 million available for investment in solar technology for the nation's schools. The company will donate and install solar panels - worth between 20,000 and 40,000 pounds per school - in up to 750 schools. Each school will be able to generate its own free, green electricity, cutting as much as 20% off its annual electricity bill.


The energy produced by the panels is anticipated to create around 1.3m pounds per year for the next 25 years. This will be reinvested in installing solar panels on yet more schools. This means that, in the next five years alone, British Gas could install free solar panels on a total of 1,100 schools. The panels will also help the selected schools to meet their carbon reduction targets, reducing emissions by up to 1,400 tonnes per year, equivalent to taking almost 400 cars off the road.


The schools receiving solar panels will receive a British Gas smart meter, offering real time information so pupils can see the difference their solar panels are making. Specially created Generation Green lesson plans will help teachers engage their pupils in learning about renewable energy, and schools will be able to track their performance against others and share tips and advice via a specially designed website.


All schools in the UK can register for an application form at http://www.generationgreen.co.uk/. British Gas has already earmarked half of the total investment to ensure that schools in low income areas benefit from the initiative, and intends to deliver the technology to these schools in conjunction with the Government's Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP).


Phil Bentley, Managing Director, British Gas, said: "This is the biggest investment of its kind in solar technology for our nation's schools, which will help them cut both their carbon emissions and their electricity bills - as well as learn about renewable energy in a hands-on way.


"The electricity generated by these schools will help pay for the scheme to be extended to even more schools throughout the country, which is great news for school leaders, parents and pupils who are all looking for ways to save money during these tough economic times."

Schools Minister Nick Gibb said: "This is a very generous offer and I'm sure many schools will feel they can benefit from solar panels. Cutting down on energy costs and reducing carbon emissions are absolutely the right thing to do. It's a valuable lesson for pupils that we can all help to use energy sparingly, and where possible, generate it from sustainable or renewable resources."


Based on a formula created by the University of Bath's Centre for Research in Education and the Environment to measure the impact that teachers can have beyond the classroom, up to 1.8 million parents and family members could learn about renewable energy as a result of the initiative.




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