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Intersolar2010 年宣布提名奖

发表于:2010-05-26 17:24:42     作者:索比太阳能 来源:pv-tech



Intersolar has announced its nominees for the title of “most innovative solar companies of 2010”. The awards will be handed out at the company’s June exhibition in categories such as: photovoltaics, solar thermal technology and, the newest category, PV production technology.
Exhibitors at both Intersolar Europe and North America were able to enter for the first time this year increasing the number of participants to 2,300 companies. The top ten submissions in each category were nominated and are in the running for the award. Three independent juries of experts from the PV, solar thermal and PV production technology sectors will select the winners.

Nominees for photovoltaics include: ABB Schweiz, Canadian Solar, Gehrlicher Solar, Innotech Solar, Inspired Solar Technology, Inventux Technologies, REC Group, SMA Solar Technology, Tigo Energy and Wagner & Co Solartechnik.

Solar thermal technology nominees are: Corporación SRB Energy, FSAVE Solartechnik, Gebr. Tuxhorn, Hahn Solar, Invensor, PAW, Resol – Elektronische Regelungen, Ritter Energie, Wagner & Co, and a joint application from the Institute for Building Constructoin and Design at Stuttgart University, Ritter Energie, Hydro Building Systems and Frener & Reifer Metallbau.

Finally, nominees in the PV production technology category are: Abound Solar, Edwards, Festo, Gemo-Tec, Hüttinger, Inventux, Linde Gas and Zimmermann & Schilp



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