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来源:pv-tech发布时间:2010-05-26 17:30:25作者:索比太阳能



这个的NREL测量中,国家再生能源实验室测量,其能在500倍的太阳光下有41%的阳光可用率。公司开始与其合作,去年早些时候签订了为期1 8个月的总计370万美元的分包合同。目标是建立一个三联点,砷化镓,光伏系统42.5%效能的集中转化器。

Spire Corporation’s, wholly owned subsidiary, Spire Semiconductor, has announced that it has matched the current efficiency record for a concentrator solar cell. The record efficiency is available on a production ready cell with a photo are of 1.0cm2.

“This is truly an achievement,” said Roger G. Little, chairman and CEO of Spire Corporation. “We have experienced continuous improvement in our proprietary cell processing design technology throughout the NREL contract. We are excited to have matched the current world record efficiency, and we have nearly four months remaining under the subcontract to surpass this level and achieve the target 42.5% efficiency.

A more efficient concentrator solar cell will provide a lower cost and more reliable source of solar generated electricity.”

The NREL measured the efficiency of 41% at 500x suns concentrated sunlight. Spire Semiconductor began working with NREL early last year under a $3.7 million cost share subcontract for an 18-month period. The goal is to develop a triple junction, gallium arsenide, 42.5% conversion efficient concentrator cell for concentrator PV systems.


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