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发表于:2010-05-11 17:33:03     作者:乔纳斯伯格曼,约翰巴克利 来源:索比太阳能网



 该公司今天在其网站上声明净亏损为46.4亿欧元(5900万美元),去年一年为39190万欧元, 前任行政总裁安东米尔纳中给在3月职位到期,减少了投资者的信心其中,该公司当时表示。

Q 组件与细胞可再生能源公司ASA合作伙伴一起和常绿太阳能公司同意在3月份出售其Sovello太阳能面板合资企业,以私人资本投资公司Ventizz合作伙伴公司。


May 11 (Bloomberg) -- Q-Cells SE’s first-quarter loss narrowed as the solar panel manufacturer closed production lines and cut costs.

The net loss was 46.4 million euros ($59 million), compared with 391.9 million euros a year earlier, the company said today in a statement on its website.

Former Chief Executive Officer Anton Milner stepped down in March amid a “loss of confidence” among investors, the company said at the time. Q-Cells is rated “sell” by 30 of the analysts that cover the company, “hold” by 11, while 1 has a buy on the stock, which has declined 44 percent this year.

Q-Cells along with partners Renewable Energy Corp. ASA and Evergreen Solar Inc. agreed in March to sell their Sovello solar-panel venture to private equity firm Ventizz Capital Partners AG. Q-Cells wrote down the value of three businesses, including Sovello, to zero last year to reflect the weaker economy.

The company and domestic competitors suffered after German lawmakers passed legislation to reduce consumer-paid subsidies for producers of solar power. Germany accounted for more than half of global sales of panels last year.





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