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CNPV与Tamrag Power 公司达成30MWp 的光伏组件协议

发表于:2010-08-19 14:26:02     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbe


CNPV太阳能公司与Tamrag公司签订了战屡合同,到2012年,CNPV公司提供30MWp 的高水平光伏组件给Tamrag公司,其中包括5MWP于2010年输送,剩下的10MWp和15MWP 计划于2011年和2012年分别输送。

CNPV的董事会成员说” Tamrag太阳能公司战略视角是以客户为重点,关注产品的细节和高于一切的品质,使他们在高水平的市场竞争中壮大和成功。他们的尼泊尔和孟加拉国的高效团队的结合,还有我们的支持,促成了我们在太阳能领域里的合作,并能够达成一致意见,是双方公司达到双赢。

CNPV Solar Power has entered into a long-term strategic partnership agreement with Tamrag Power, for the supply of 30MWp of high performance photovoltaic modules through 2012, including 5MWp of scheduled delivery during 2010. The remaining 10MWp and 15MWp are scheduled for delivery in 2011 and 2012 respectively.
B. Veerraju Chaudary, CNPV's COO, CTO and member of the board said, "Tamrag Power's strategic vision, customer focus, attention to detail and their overriding quality of operation has seen them grow and succeed in a highly competitive market. The recent amalgamation of their highly effective organizations in Nepal and Bangladesh, and now the addition of our own local support functions, provides now provides a unified approach to the provision of high quality solutions in this region, and makes Tamrag Power and CNPV together, even more assured of further success."
Zhang Shunfu, "The choice of CNPV as Tamrag Power's exclusive strategic partner further acknowledges our own endeavours are adding value to our customer's goals, and gives us the opportunity to develop our company and services further. It is only by working with credible, key industry players that we are able to rapidly responding efficiently to the dynamics of the market. Together with Tamrag Power we can continue to anticipate and provide the solutions that other solar companies omit."






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