安迪泰勒讲解了太阳光转化成电力的计算根据公司两年内在Israel’s Negev Desert中对Luz Power Tower550的测试.
在塔的顶部,锅炉吸收太阳光反射的7平方米的地面式安装镜 , according to analysts.
The plant is to be laid out on three nearby tracts covering 3,500 acres of desert
UNDP“送电到乡基线调查”,REEEP“光伏村落系统经验传播”,世界银行“MMS”等国际合作项目数项,参加编写IEA Task 8 太阳能光伏荒漠电站专著“Energy from the Desert 荒漠电站专著“Energy from the Desert”
附件三 培训地点及宾馆详细路线
validated the technology at the Negev Desert demo plant. That no doubt helped persuade PG&E, which has International built nine large-scale solar trough power plants in the Mojave Desert in the 1980s