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来源:sunpluggers发布时间:2010-05-17 17:40:53作者:索比太阳能

圣地亚哥天然气电力有限公司已经签署了了一项协议,要购买离圣地亚哥市90英利以东的太阳能光伏电站.该项应用计划通过Sunrise Powerlink公司来传输电力,它是热门的受欢迎的有竞争力的传输线公司,这项计划正在等着最后的批准。





没有Sunrise powerlink公司,许多可更新能源设施将会没有明确的路径进入圣迭戈市场,应用新闻发布会上说。






San Diego Utility Signs Solar PV Pact That Aims to Use Contested Power Line
Published May 16, 2010

San Diego Gas & Electric Co. has signed an agreement to buy electricity from a proposed solar photovoltaic power plant that would be located about 90 miles east of the San Diego metropolitan area. The utility plans to transmit the electricity through the Sunrise Powerlink, a hotly contested proposed transmission line that still awaits final approval.

The photovoltaic plant would have a rated peak production capacity of about 125 megawatts, according to the developer, LS Power, a New Jersey-based company that operates conventional power plants and transmission lines in many states across the country. An

LS Power subsidiary also is developing a 10-megawatt solar PV plant in Dover, Del., which has received approvals from city boards.

The California solar plant would be built on farmland near Calexico in Imperial County, across the border from Mexicali, Mexico.

The area has high annual insolation levels and lies within the Colorado Desert, which is part of the larger Sonoran Desert that stretches across southern Arizona and California and into Mexico. Irrigation has made the Imperial Valley an important farming region.

San Diego Gas & Electric said in a recent news release that it has signed a 20-year power-purchase agreement with an LS Power subsidiary for up to 130 megawatts of production from the proposed plant, called Centinela Solar Energy. A power-purchase agreement is similar to a lease: The developer or another party owns and maintains the equipment and sells the electricity to a customer.

"Renewables are the linchpin of SDG&E's commitment to becoming the quintessential utility of the future," said Jessie J. Knight Jr., the utility's chief executive officer. "We are accessing large amounts of environmentally friendly power and developing the infrastructure and smart technology to bring it to our communities. These advances provide tangible benefits for our customers."

The proposed power plant would take up 1,150 acres and is expected to be operating in 2014。 The Sunrise Powerlink, a proposed 500,000-volt power line, would transmit the electricity to the San Diego metropolitan area about 90 miles due west.  The power line would follow a 120-mile path that would take it across about 20 miles of the Cleveland National Forest. The U.S. Forest Service, the last administrative agency that must sign off on the plan, has yet to approve it. Approvals already granted by the California Public Utilities Commission and the federal Bureau of Land Management are being challenged in court by opponents of the power line.

The Sunrise Powerlink would have a carrying capacity of about 1,000 megawatts of electricity, an amount that might be generated at peak operating capacity by a large conventional coal-fired power plant or nuclear plant.
Sunrise Powerlink The utility has said that the line is intended specifically to carry solar, wind and geothermal energy from renewable-energy plants yet to be built. "Without the Sunrise Powerlink, many renewable-energy facilities in the Imperial Valley have no clear path to the San Diego market," the utility's news release said.

Opponents say that the power line, expected to cost $1.9 billion, is not needed and that rooftop solar generation in the San Diego area is a better choice. San Diego has been the leading California city in adopting rooftop solar, with more than 2,100 arrays installed as of last year.

On its website, the utility's response is that "Rooftop solar will play a critical role in San Diego's future, but it's not enough to meet our customers' energy needs. Over the next decade, nearly 300 megawatts of new solar is expected to be installed in the region. However, to match the amount of energy the Sunrise Powerlink could deliver, you'd have to install solar panels on 855,000 residential rooftops. San Diegans would pay 10 percent of the $1.9 billion Sunrise Powerlink. If we rely exclusively on rooftop solar panels instead, SDG&E customers would pay the entire estimated cost of $20 billion and receive little improvement to energy reliability."

A much larger 750-megawatt solar project, called Imperial Valley Solar, also is proposed in the area, and is planned to be built

in phases. If fully built out beyond 300 megawatts, this project would require use of the Sunrise Powerlink. Imperial Valley Solar, unlike the Centinela power plant, would use concentrating solar power. Its technology involves focusing mirrors in large dish receivers onto heat-powered engines to generate electricity. This form of concentrating solar power uses much less water than other types, Imperial Valley Solar says.

The Centinela Solar Energy plant would deploy solar photovoltaic equipment, which converts sunlight directly into electricity and does not use water apart from occasional equipment cleaning. Some solar PV systems do not use water even for that.

Using solar PV modules in large-scale installations such as solar power plants has the potential to reduce their cost for homeowners through economies of manufacturing scale










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