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发表于:2012-11-08 10:19:53     作者:solarbe 来源:solarbe
    中国太阳能电池组件制造商昱辉阳光看好印度光伏市场的发展前景,此次亮相第六届Renewable Energy India2012展会,不仅带来适合印度市场高温环境应用的Virtus II新型高效组件,更为了适应印度市场对产品“本地化”的需求而为其“量体裁衣”,希望在未来两年内实现印度本地化组件生产产能达到250MW。继成功在美国、欧洲和澳洲市场推出Virtus II新型高效多晶组件之后,昱辉阳光此次将这款全新研发的产品带到了印度。
    ReneSola to Localize Production of Solar PV Modules in India
 SHANGHAI, Nov. 7, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- ReneSola Ltd ("ReneSola" or the "Company") (NYSE: SOL), a leading global manufacturer of solar photovoltaic ("PV") modules and wafers, today introduced its new Virtus IImulticrystalline modules to the Indian market at the 6th Renewable Energy India 2012 Expo, a three-day event held in New Delhi that concludes on November 9. In addition, ReneSola has started providing locally produced PV modules to Indian market, and the expected quantity for ReneSola’s India-made PV modules are expected to reach 250 MW in two years’ time span.The India launch follows the successful introduction of the Virtus II  solar modules to the U.S. and Australian markets.
 ReneSola continues to implement its sales and marketing strategy of “professionalization, internationalization and localization” in India. Given the substantial demand for solar panels in India, ReneSola forsees a total quantity of 250 MW India-made ReneSola modules over a two year period . This was the first time the Company started providing locally produced PV modules outside of China, emphasizing the importance of the India PV market. The Company will realize this target through collaborating with local strategic partners in India. In order to import its world-leading technology to India and take advantage of  India’s local management and talent resources, ReneSola is dedicated to providing localized and customized products and services to the India market.
 “Considering the strong and growing demand the India PV market presents for electricity, coupled with the government’s strong support and generous subsidies for solar energy, ReneSola considers India to be a key market within Asia,” said Mr. Stephen Huang, APMEA president for ReneSola. “We believe traditional PV sales and trading platforms cannot satisfy local demand, so we intend to invest more in India and are determined to establish roots there, ideally joining forces with the India PV industry to provide customized energy solutions.”


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