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Schott Solar旗舰厂停止1条生产线

发表于:2010-08-09 11:19:34     作者:Unkown 来源:Solar Be 翻译

    Schott Solar暂停其在Albuquerque的两个太阳能集生产线的其中之一。Schott表示,暂停生产将意味着将要解雇约30个临时员工。
    该公司指责北美光伏市场增长缓慢、西班牙市场增长亦放缓,公司在这种情况下,发展受阻,难以前行。公司发言人Matthew Kraft在纽约透露,肖特曾宣布将在公开裁员前裁掉Albuquerque的 370名雇员。
占地20万平方英尺的Albuquerque工厂是Schott Solar在北美的旗舰厂,主要生产光伏电池及光热接收器。其生产的集中太阳能电池组件和热接收器大规模的使用于槽式发电系统中。
    有关官员称,Schott Solar光伏组件生产将不受影响。
    总部坐落于德国Mainz的Schott Solar去年刚建了Albuquerque工厂。

    Schott Solar is suspending one of its two concentrated solar power production lines in Albuquerque.Schott says the suspension will mean laying off about 30 temporary agency employees.
    The company blames slow growth in the North American market and a slowdown in the Spanish market. Company spokesman Matthew Kraft in Elmsford, N.Y., says Schott had 370 employees in Albuquerque before the announced layoffs.
    Schott produces photovoltaic panels and thermal receivers at its 200,000-square-foot Albuquerque plant, its flagship facility in North America.
The concentrated solar power modules or thermal receivers are used in large-scale solar power plant trough systems.
    Officials say Schott's production of photovoltaic modules is not affected.



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