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发表于:2010-06-26 00:06:55     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbe

Karlheinz Strobl,是CVD业务发展部的副总裁,他说:“公司的重点是使未来的技术商业化”,“通过把我们的应用试验室和我们在设计和生产大量的CVD相关调查研究和设备制造的经验整合起来,我相信我们会帮助Bloo Solar达到商业需求。我们主要把精力集中在多种TCO的涂层工艺上和生产规模的设备将会在这种关系中得到充分应用上。

是 Bloo’s Solar Brush是第三代,三位立体,单端架构技术。 该模块提供更多的表面积,更好地捕捉光线,减少重组,产生更高的效率,该公司说这种技术是目前技术所能达到的1.5至3倍。

Bloo Solar和CVD将为透明导电氧化物(TCO)的涂层开发一个核心工序。

with the hopes to bring the commercial modules to market in 2012, the company has chosen CVD Equipment Corp. to develop and manufacture the equipment for the solar module."CVD Equipment Corp. is focusing on enabling the commercialization of tomorrow's technologies," says Karlheinz Strobl, VP of business development of CVD. "Through the combination of our Application Laboratory with our experience in designing and manufacturing a wide variety of CVD related research and manufacturing equipment, we believe that we can optimally help Bloo Solar reach its commercialization needs. In particular our focus on a variety of TCO coating processes and production scale-up equipment is being fully utilized in this relationship."

Bloo’s Solar Brush is a third-generation, three-dimensional, single-junction architecture technology. The module is said to provide more surface area, better light trapping and less recombination, which produces higher efficiency and a total power output of 1.5 to 3 times higher than current technologies, the company says.

Together, Bloo Solar and CVD will develop a key process for transparent conductive oxide (TCO) coating. CVD Equipment supplies offline and online CVDgCoat(TM) APCVD for fluorine-doped SnO2 (SnO2:F) coating and offline LPCVD for ZnO coating.




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投稿与新闻线索联系:010-68027865 刘小姐 news@solarbe.com 商务合作联系:010-68000822 media@solarbe.com 紧急或投诉:13811582057, 13811958157
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