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发表于:2010-06-02 11:55:56     作者:Camille Ricketts 来源:Solar Be 翻译


    National Semiconductor, one of the biggest names in the semiconductor industry,announced today that it will be selling a chipset that can up solar panel output.

    National Semi’s SolarMagic technology made its debut last year as an add-on for existing solar panel systems already in the field. Now, as a chipset, it can be integrated directly into panel architecture to increase the amount of power produced by the same amount of sunlight.

    To do this, the SolarMagic component makes sure the voltage and current flowing from every individual solar panel in an array so that they are the same — thereby increasing the overall flow of energy from the entire panel array, the company says. Like similar offerings (made by SolarEdge and Enphase Energy, for example), the chipset also collects data from the panels it serves, making it available via the web. That way, solar installers and operators can see if panels are damaged, or not working as well as they could be.

    The SolarMagic technology will be demonstrated at Intersolar Europe, a major industry conference, in Munich at the end of this month.



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