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美国电力协会与SunEdison 签署了2兆瓦的合同

发表于:2010-05-10 18:29:35     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbuzz

  里治威有限公司,美国电力协会与SunEdison 签署了2兆瓦的合同。

May 10, 2010

Ridgway, CO, USA: San Miguel Power Association Signs 2 MW Agreement with SunEdison

San Miguel Power Association, Inc. (SMPA) has entered into an agreement with SunEdison to develop a two megawatt solar photovoltaic power plant in Norwood, Colo. The facility will be the first large scale solar power generation plant in the co-op's service territory.

"San Miguel Power is committed to providing our members with renewable energy options," said SMPA general manager Kevin Ritter. "This project represents our goal to provide energy that is both local and renewable."

The solar PV plant will be located on a 40 acre plot of land in western San Miguel County, southeast of Norwood, Colo.

SunEdison anticipates breaking ground on the project in September 2010 with construction completed in December. If all goes as scheduled, it should be powering SMPA homes and businesses by January 2011. The solar plant will account for approximately 2% of SMPA's annual load.

SunEdison will install the modules and will own and operate the plant. SMPA has contracted to purchase the electricity output from the facility for a 25-year period.

The increased cost to SMPA to purchase this renewable energy will be about $300,000 per year, or about 1.5 mils per kWH. A mil is 1/10 of one cent. The PV plant will help SMPA meet one of its strategic energy goals. "This is a significant step in our relatively new direction towards sustainable energy," said Ritter. "In the past few years SMPA has made a tremendous effort to address our members' requests for renewable energy options."

Although the solar plant is the first of its kind in SMPA's service territory, it isn't the region's only electric generation facility. Tri-State Generation and Transmission (Tri-State) currently owns and operates a traditional coal fired power plant near Nucla, Colo.

"It's important to note that the development of the solar facility in the West End will not impact the Nucla station," explained Ritter. "The PV plant will work in tandem with Tri-State's facility to power the daily lives of our members."















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